Teach your Rat to Drive

Everything on this site is based upon the work of those delightfully mad geniuses at the University of Richmond. They were kind enough to publish the plans for their vehicle; I merely followed their plans. Sort of.

I mean, my car has street glow. Your move, scientists!

You can find a playlist of our test runs on YouTube, or watch below.

The Elegoo Smart Car v3 is no longer available. I got the v4. Unfortunately, it’s not completely compatible with the v3.  This led to me writing code. I say “writing” when what I really mean is “took the UofR code, broke it up small enough pieces that even I could understand it, and reassembled it without any of the grace and class of the original work. I do not advise using my code. My code makes baby rats weep. But you can read it.

More details as events warrant.

How well do they drive? Looking at traffic on I-94 through Detroit, I am compelled to describe their competence as “not too shabby at all.”